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  • Get in touch

    If there is anything you would wish to know about our products or simply a general enquiry, please get in touch via the contact form below. Alternatively you can contact us via the information opposite. We look forward to hearing from you.

    If for any reason you cannot obtain a reply then please contact:

    Rest of World:

    Rail Safety Systems BV             

    Contact:  Jan Bakker,  Hans Driessen

    Contact Number: +31 85 782 16 01

    Email Address:

    Address: De Sondert 24. 5928 RV  Venlo, Netherlands.


  • Call us on

    07974 065798
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Our team

Throughout the world

Our HQ is in Venlo, the Netherlands, but due in part to the overwhelming success of the “RSS BV Magnetically Attached Safety Barrier” and derivative products, demand has been on a global scale.

You will see we have representatives throughout Europe, Australasia, North America and of course Great Britain (Swansea). We have formed associations with Companies who ascribe to both our work ethic and more importantly to our Ethos which puts you the Client and your needs/aspirations firmly at the forefront of everything we do.

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